Following the vacation of Phebra’s sub-tenant at their Lane Cove West site, there was a desire to expand their existing facility into the adjacent vacated tenancy and expand its capabilities across all facets of their business, including R&D, testing, non-sterile manufacturing and packaging.
The scope of the project involved the expansion of various areas within Phebra’s existing facility, including slab-to-slab demolition and refurbishment of approximately 1,500m² of office accommodation, expansion of the existing ‘Grade D’ packaging hall into the vacated tenancy, construction of a new laboratory and finished-product storage area, as well as construction of a new non-sterile manufacturing area.
Due to Phebra’s requirement for their facility to remain fully operational throughout the works, careful planning, consultation and co-ordination was required to split the works into stages and various sub-stages. These allowed the works to occur and Phebra to migrate into the newly completed areas without affecting their ongoing operations.